Indian School Muscat hosted the 12th Jhankaar Spectrum, the colossal art and edifying inter-school competition on Thursday, 1st November 2018.Sixteen Indian Schools from the Sultanate competed for the Over-All Championship Trophy. The mega event commenced with the lighting of the lamp by His Excellency Mr. Munu Mahawar, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman.
2000 students from various Indian Schools gauged their talents in a series of 28 events and Indian School Salalah’s spirited competitors vied with their opponents in these events to register their second consecutive win and retained the coveted trophy.
The highlight of the Spectrum was the dazzling performance of Indian School Salalah in many events.153 students participated in 28 events and notched positions in events like TV Advertisement, Mime, Graffiti Making, Classical Dance, Collage, Rangoli, Indian Folk Dance Group, Short Movie Making and Rock Band Group to clinch the Over- All Championship Trophy. Ms. Adrika of Class IV who won the first place for Poetry Recitation was also given a special prize for her splendid performance.
The performance in the literary events is a testimony of the dedication and team work which made the school scale greater heights. Indian School Salalah made a clean sweep in the literary events contributing the maximum marks to the grand total.
The day long Jhankaar Spectrum 2018 concluded with the opulent and hair-raising valedictory function in the school multipurpose hall. Being the host school, Indian School Muscat graciously handed over the championship trophyto the first runner-up Indian School Salalah. Indian School Darsait was declared as second runner- up.
A special assembly was conducted in the school premises in the presence of the School Management Committee to honour the Jhankaar team. Dr Syed Ahsan Jamil, acting President of the SMC appreciated the students for this remarkable achievement. He also praised the teachers for their untiring and strenuous efforts in taking the school to greater heights. The Principal in his address congratulated the students for this feat and also expressed his confidence in them and the teachers in retaining the coveted trophy.