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Indian School Salalah celebrated United Nations Day on 24th October 2024 in the school auditorium. The event focused on the role of the UN’s six principal organs in addressing global challenges and was graced by the presence of Principal Mr. Deepak Patankar, Vice Principal Mr. Mammikutty, Assistant Vice Principals Mr. Vipindas and Mrs. Anita Rose, along with various heads of department and teachers.


The students of Class 9 acted as delegates in a mock parliament, simulating the functions of the UN. Miss Maahi Vashistha opened the event with a welcome speech, followed by Master Omar Mohammed Abdelfattah, who assumed the role of Secretary-General and introduced the six organs of the United Nations.


Student delegates then delivered speeches on critical global issues. The General Assembly delegates, Miss Nicole and   Miss Angbin Nishad addressed global poverty and the need for international cooperation to combat it. The Security Council delegates, Miss Diya Sreejith and Master Giridhar Sasi Kumar emphasized the importance of a nuclear-free world. The International Court of Justice delegates, Miss Harshada Audumbar Pise and Master Avinash discussed the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes.


The Secretariat delegates, Master Zayan and Miss Tiya Ramanathan highlighted the urgent issue of water scarcity. The Trusteeship Council delegates, Master Oliver Jojesh James and Miss Roshne Devi.S called for the expansion of the Security Council’s permanent membership. The Economic and Social Council delegates, Miss Yazhini Panbu Premkumar and Master Sayed Shameem, focused on poverty reduction and building a sustainable future.


The Head of the Social Science Department Mr Unnikrishnan, in his address shared the relevance of the Sanskrit phrase "Loko Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu" (May all beings in the world be happy and free), linking it to the mission of the United Nations in promoting global welfare.


The event was compered smoothly by Miss Miss Diya Khan, who guided the programme seamlessly. The Vice Principal, Mr.Mammikutty  congratulated the Social Science Department and the students for their teamwork. He encouraged the department to organize more such programmes in the future.


The event concluded with vote of thanks by Miss Nusrah Fathima. The UN Day celebration was a resounding success, showcasing the talents of Class IX students and highlighting the importance of global cooperation in solving world issues.
